Category Archives: Uncategorized

In the New Yard

Check out the ladies enjoying their (newly covered) yard. Look out for the lurking cat in the background. (She’s also the object of all the threats made during the filming).

It’s so hard being Sylvia…

It’s unfair, really. They’re so plump and fluffy and they make such interesting noises.  All you want is one chicken. Just one.  And you can’t have it, no matter how hard you work for it.   It’s ruining your life…

Happy Girls




Netting the coop

Current Count: 6 in the house (Loretta plus the 5 “ladies”)

1 Free-ranger

We finally did it. 25 feet of bird netting, a staple gun and about 5 dozen zip-ties later, we’ve finally enclosed the top of the coop. John tried his best to get out of it (as in he woke up at 6:30 am and left our house the day-of) but Anna “persuaded” him to come back and devote and second day to fixing up our chicken coop. Because he loves us.







John’s reward for helping is to eat one chicken.


Persuading the chickens to enjoy their new yard.


Walking back in, about 2 seconds after coming out.


We really did it.  All five, plus we took a little more off of Loretta, just to be safe.  There will be NO  MORE FLYING.

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The as-yet unnamed chicken. We’re calling her Loretta at the moment.


Last Remaining Free-Ranger


Pictured above is the last-remaining of the free-rangers.   Better known lately as the Bad-Ass Chicken.  She’s living in a patch of briars just above the henhouse.  Sometimes she comes down to hang out outside of the henhouse and I throw corn at her and she hangs out and eats it for a bit.  I’ve gotten within about a yard of her.   I think I would have had her at this point, except that just at that moment that I start to make a move, I see, out of the corner of my eye, the cat shaking her butt, springing and charging straight at the chicken.   She actually gets close enough to touch her at which point the chicken ba-gawks, flaps her feathers and moves farther away.  At which point the cat runs back under the henhouse to resume her post.   I’m working on getting video.

Photo Updates


(So far the chickens definitely weird out the cats.)


(This was right before she yelled “ba-gawk!” and jumped in the creek.)


(Jamie’s attempt to persuade the chicken to leave the tree. It was unsuccessful).

One Day Soon We’re Launching Our Chicken Photography Business


The Free-Rangers
